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Features, Essays and Poetry

Long-form features for the Mayo Clinic, Fairview Health System, Lawson, and Primarius Promotion published in internal and external magazines, print and online newsletters, and marketing magazines. Contributed personal essays to Mpls.St. Paul Magazine, Minnesota Parent and The Phoenix; and poetry to the Great River Review, Free Verse, Powderhorn Writers Festival, Southwest Journal and the anthologies Between the Lakes, and Seasons. Contact me if you would like full texts of any of these stories.


Mayo Today

Cover feature, Pictures of Caring, for Mayo Clinic's internal magazine.

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The Way We Care

Among a team of writers who interviewed subjects and then contributed stories to this Mayo Clinic soft cover coffee table book for external distribution.

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Strengthening Our Communities

After interviewing subjects, contributed concept and wrote 3,000-word National Geographic-style essay for Fairview Health System annual report; produced with new and library photography.

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Primarius Promotion: LifeTouch

Personal essays for Primarius Promotion client LifeTouch Photography (now part of Shutterfly) print marketing magazine.


Lawson Newsletter

Phone interviews; writing to word count; uploaded stories, headlines and photos to online publishing template for emailed newsletter.

Improper Conduct

Personal essay for Minneapolis/St. Paul Magazine.


Between the Lakes

Nine poems included in anthology; Trolley Car Press.


The boy says he loves

dragonflies – elegant and

earnest; that dragonfly esprit.

He follows in the slipstream

behind his uncle down to the water's edge,

watching the man's hands on

rope and board, readying the boat.

He knows he's going somewhere.

He looks at his own small hands.

Inside his body, little hesitations

have come to live like small animals.

And what he thought was easy is now near

cliff and rock, with the sea crashing and racing.

He searches the eyes of this man,

looking for something alive, some way

through this heaving of desire and fear.

The man says he knows this boy.

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