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Advertising & Marketing

Marketing, value proposition, concept and narrative consulting; copywriting for print and web. Clients include Personnel Decisions International, Best Buy, Weis Builders, Ingebretsen's Scandinavian Gifts and Food, Augsburg Fortress Publishing, Paint the Elephant Consulting, U.S.Bank Home Mortgage, and Sorted Affairs Home Staging. 3 years at KTHI-TV and KXJB-TV in Fargo, ND, writing and producing television commercials and public service announcements.

Personnel Decisions International

Part of a team with an organizational consultant and designer to explore brand identity, image and messages, and positioning. Interviewed stakeholders and developed a story matrix to articulate value proposition and organization story for multiple clients. Included generating mock-up display ads to illustrate concepts.



PDI Story Matrix 2_edited.jpg
PDI BACK IN GAME_edited.jpg

Best Buy

Among multiple website, print and store signage projects, these spreads are from a print marketing booklet geared toward men for high-end audio/video gear. Art Director had the photos in mind and initiated original photography as I contributed stories and headlines; writing to word count and prescribed ratio between story and merchandise description.


Can you be a Saturday hero or have a date night at home without the gear? Are there other ways of being in relationship with women without being a hero or the only one with agency? Yes, of course!




Eric Mann/U.S.Bank Home Mortgage

Brochure. WRITER


©2019 Cris Anderson Productions, Inc.

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